Ashamed of this "Gospel"

The contrast of these two statements from Biden and Pence is really something to behold. I was particularly struck by this incredibly blasphemous statement, but it is the view of many of my Christian friends and family, which causes me great shame and embarrassment:

The American people know that the foundation of America is freedom, but the foundation of freedom is faith. Our freedoms are a gift from our Creator, and when we defend them, we make His work on earth our own.

– Mike Pence

first break down where does god say we should "defend our freedom?"
then talk about from whom would we defend our freedom if our enemy is our brother?

The foundation of freedom is faith? God wants us to defend our freedom? From who? What part of "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me" fits with that? What about "for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong"? What about "you are all one in Christ Jesus"? Maybe even "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?"

It's hard to not hear this as a cry for Christian Crusade, the siren call of Babylon. Nationalism has always been a stain on the reputation of the Church, but this is really something bold. Evangelicals are bowing ever so reverently. Oh, but not to the risen Christ, not to the God of Mercy, to the war-god America. I hate it and I wish you would to.

Reminds me of this, from a recent sermon of Matt Thomas:

In the Kingdom of Christ as the church we are called not to push back against powerlessness but to actually embrace smallness, to embrace powerlessness, and even death in order to become what Christ desires.


Our goal as the church in the here and now is not to wield power, political or otherwise. Our goal is not to be known, our goal as the church is not to make sure we have the respect of other people or that we might become great and have a big following and gain influence. Our goal in the here and now as the church is to simply remain steadily faithful in making Christ known, not in us having our rights.

The Kingdom of God is here and now, Christ makes this abundantly clear in his ministry and his teaching. But it is also not yet. And that's one thing these parables seem to consistently point to. The Kingdom of Christ is here, yes, right now, but it is also in process. It is growing, it is not today what it will be on that day in the future, it is awaiting fulfillment.

– Matt Thomas

And this:

And this:

Wherever the Church rejects the powerlessness of the Cross, which is offered her and imposed upon her, she reaches out to take hold of power, and the face of Satan glimmers in her.

– Hans Urs von Balthasar

Last time I checked we are "obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish." The American Fundamental Conservative Christian Nationalist denomination is my anathema.